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CVE Chambre View Explosion

Experiment ID CVE, Chambre View Explosion
Short Description Vented explosion experiments have been carried out in a cubic structure made of steel section bars with an internal volume of 27 m3. The CVE’s roof and one side face are entirely covered with panes of glass in order to see the behaviour of the explosion; all the other faces are covered with steel panels having different functions: the bottom and one side faces are entirely made of steel strengthened panels which are not removable, while the other two lateral faces, on opposite side, are the test vent and the safety vent respectively (see figure 1).

The design internal overpressure’s value is 200 mbar (20 kPa), and so the opening of the security vent was settled at 150 mbar (15 kPa).


CVE’s description; (O) ignition points and (X) concentration’s measurement points     CVE’s photograph: Side A, test area, and Side D, face with panes of glass

What phenomena were studied Effect of hydrogen stratification in the chamber (transient of pressure waves from rich to lean mixture)

Effect of the vent area size on the internal and external pressure waves Flame propagation’s transient behaviour

What phenomena / effects can be studied Time development of internal overpressure waves generated by the hydrogen-air atmosphere explosions both with uniform and non-uniform initial condition
Time development of external overpressure waves generated after the opening of the test vent area both with uniform and non-uniform initial condition
Validation of 3D-codes related to gas deflagration behaviour
Test variables Hydrogen concentration
Vent area
Number and location of ignitors
Data description / Data completeness Transient concentration measurements and recordings in digital form during hydrogen’s introduction in the chamber
Pressure waves measurements and recordings in digital form during explosions
Transient flame shape digital camera’s recordings (two point of view: upper and lateral) during explosions
Data availability No public accessible
Source of data / Reference Internal documents
Why were chosen
Relevance to the project purposes Can address separate phenomena, which is of great importance for the project purposes and can be useful also for studying the safety of other hydrogen applications: by introducing an element (H2 sensor, fuel cell and so on) in the CVE we can measure hydrogen leakages, pressure waves generated in case of explosion, etc.
Experimental data
Results of simulations
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Page last modified on October 14, 2009, at 12:09 PM